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DCA Interface

In this section we go through what each setting on the DCA dashboard means.

  • DCA Order Form
  • Active/Historical DCA

DCA Order Form

DCA Order Form

(1) DCASelect the DCA tab in the Spot navigation menu to arrive at the DCA form.
(2) Input Token SelectorSelect the token you want to spend/allocate with your DCA orders.
(3) Input Token AmountEnter the amount of the input tokens that you are looking to spend/allocate in total with your DCA orders.
(4) Output Token SelectorSelect the token that you are looking to DCA into or Buy.
(5) IntervalSpecify the time in between each purchase with a numerical input and the dropdown selector for time unit.
(6) Total OrdersThe number of orders you want the DCA to be spread out over.
(7) Price RangeSet a minimum and maximum price range under which only your DCA would be executed (optional parameter).
(8) Order SummarySpecify the details for the current DCA order you are creating:

Sell Total: 50 USDC (You are selling USDC).

Sell Per Order: The Sell Total divided by the Total Orders (50 USDC / 12).

Receive: JUP (You are buying JUP).

Order Interval: 5 minutes (A trade will take place every 5 minutes).

Start Date: The DCA will begin immediately upon submission.

Estimated End Date: The final DCA order will finish by this date.

Estimated Price Impact Per Order: Estimated impact on the market price per DCA trade.

Platform Fee: 0.1% platform fee for DCA orders.
(9) Start DCAClick to submit the DCA order and start the DCA.

Active/Historical DCA

Active/Historical DCA Overview

(1) Active/ Historical DCAsSelect either the Active or Historical tab to view respectively.
(2) Individual DCA OrdersActive: Ongoing DCAs percentage to indicate how much of the DCA has been executed.

History: Status of order, either Completed, Cancelled or Withdrawn.
(3) Information TabsSelect either Overview or Orders to view respectively.
(4) Balance SummaryThis shows the DCA order balance progress where you can track the balances for the tokens you allocated, you are buying and you have withdrawn.
(5) Order SummaryTotal Deposited: The input amount and token that you are selling or swapping from.

Total Spent: The progress of the DCA, or the amount spent to swap from.

Every: The time interval specified in the Frequency fields.

Over: The total number of purchases.

Each Order Size: Total deposited divide by Total number of purchases

Orders Remaining: The number of purchases left to complete the DCA.

Current Average Price: Sum of the price of each transaction divide by Total current completed purchases

Current Price: The price of the token your are buying now.

# of Orders Left: The number of orders remaining with this DCA request.

Created At: The date and time when the DCA was submitted.

Next Order At The date and time of the next order to be executed.
(6) Close and WithdrawClick to submit the DCA order and start the DCA.

DCA Orders

Active/Historical DCA Orders

Date/TimeThe date and time when this transaction was executed.
StatusThe type of transaction: Create, Trade, Close or Withdrawn.
From/ToThe amount of tokens sold and bought.
RateThe rate of the purchase for the transaction.
Explore Further With Blockchain Explorers

For advanced users, you can dive further into the details of each order. Simply click on the redirect link to view the transaction using a blockchain explorer.